Each year, events such as ESCAPE and CAPE Forum are organised by CAPE Working Party. Upcoming events are listed below.
The 35th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE) will be held between July 6 and July 9, 2025 at the Technology Campus Ghent, KU Leuven as a part of KU Leuven’s 600th year celebrations. It will be organised by KU Leuven in collaboration with the University of Liège.
The ESCAPE series is an annual series initiated in 1991 by the CAPE Working Party of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering. The 2025 conference theme “Closing the loop 2.0” emphasises on use of process systems engineering (from “good old feedback control” to advanced methodologies using AI, quantum computing, etc.) to accelerate the drive towards a circular economy with applications in energy, life sciences, and materials domains.

CAPE Forum 2025 will be a 2.5 days event held in September 2025 in Ischia, Italy. It will be organised as a joint event with GRICU PhD school. The venue of CAPE Forum will be Hotel Continental Terme Ischia Porto, Italy. The program will include plenary lectures, student talks, workshops and social program.
Computer Aided Process Engineering (CAPE) Forum aims to bring together researchers and industrial practitioners for an informal discussion on research topics, new and emerging technologies, and cutting-edge developments in both academia and industry, in the area of CAPE. CAPE Forum is basically a series of yearly small-scale but highly interactive conferences organized under the supervision of the ComputerAided Process Engineering (CAPE) Working Party of the European Federation for Chemical Engineering (EFCE).
More information will follow soon.